911 Help SMS

A location information server that helps emergency responders locate smart devices indoors and outdoors

Location Detection

Prepares the connected device
for optimum location detection

Location Information Server

Provides supplemental user location and
data gathered from smart devices

Indoors Detection

Detects user location vertically
(floor level and apartment number)


Request Free Access

911 Help SMS App

The first 9-1-1 App in the world capable of vertical indoors location detection in real-time.

Smart Location

Using a patent pending method, the software can acquire location position much faster and more accurate than GPS.

Anti-Spoofing Mechanism

A built in software mechanism helps to detect false location claims made by callers.

Text 9-1-1 With One Tap

Efficient One-Tap to Text 9-1-1 feature that includes the ability to auto-type the user location in the SMS message.

appstore-logo googleplay-logo * Requires iOS 8.0 or higher

Promote your App easily

An enim nullam tempor sapien gravida donec enim ipsum porta justo integer at odio velna vitae auctor integer congue magna at pretium purus pretium ligula rutrum luctus risus

Features Never Stop

Fringilla risus nec, luctus mauris orci auctor purus euismod pretium purus pretium ligula rutrum tempor sapien

Quaerat sodales sapien undo euismod purus blandit

Nemo ipsam egestas volute turpis dolores ut aliquam quaerat sodales sapien undo pretium purus

Quick Access

Semper lacus cursus porta, feugiat primis ultrice in ligula risus auctor tempus feugiat dolor, felis lacinia risus porta

Mailer Engine

Feugiat primis ultrice semper lacus cursus porta, in ligula risus auctor tempus feugiat dolor, felis lacinia risus porta

Concrete Security

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Location Information Server

In addition to caller location, the 911 Help SMS LIS/ADR can include enhanced caller details (family contacts, medical history, medications, and drug allergies)

Smart Devices

Our additional data repository centralizes life saving data collected from geotags, IoT devices, home security products, automotive smart technology, mobile Apps, and wearable connected devices.

Seamless Integration

A simple upgrade to your existing system (CPE, CAD, mapping) is all it takes to receive emergency location data.

Frictionless Integration

PSAPs can request to receive caller location data without any integration with their current CPE,CAD, or mapping software.

Real World Feedback


Frequently Asked

How much does the Location Information Server cost?

The 911 Help SMS LIS/ADR is free for all PSAPs nationwide. Contact us at 800-745-0932 to request your free access.

What is Smart Location?

Smart Location is patent pending method that helps detect vertical indoors location of smart devices. It can detect the device location according to floor level and apartment number.

Will your platform work with our CAD, CPE, or mapping system?

Yes. The 911 Help SMS platform can integrate with your current CAD, CPE, or mapping system. Our API is readily available upon request.

Our company wishes to connect our smart devices to your server. What are the next steps?

Yes. We have an API available for your smart device to send life saving data to the 911 Help SMS location information server.